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10/01/2024: Automate your engagement (likes + comments) on social networks with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to simulate human engagement on social networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) by automating likes and comments on posts, while taking care to respect random and natural behavior to avoid automation detections.

09/17/2024: Parsing XML to work with RSS feeds or Sitemap with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to parse XML files, whether RSS feeds or sitemaps, to extract all the URLs contained in these files, and then to perform specific processing on these URLs according to your needs.

09/10/2024: Automate Google Analytics reporting without an API with Automa

This automation template lets you create Google Analytics reports without an API, using data automatically extracted from a Google Sheet to generate statistics (users, new users, length of engagement) over a defined period, and inserting them directly into a Google Sheet table using Automa.

09/03/2024: Automate Google Search Console reporting without an API with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to create Google Search Console reports without using an API, by extracting data such as clicks, impressions, CTR and position for a set of sites, then reporting them automatically in a Google Sheet from Search Console information.

08/27/2024: Automate Youtube video uploads with Automa

The aim of this template is to automate the mass uploading of videos to YouTube using a Google Sheet to manage titles, descriptions and privacy settings, enabling multiple videos to be configured and published without manual intervention.

07/30/2024: Automate video uploads to Tiktok with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to mass upload videos to TikTok using a Google Sheet to list video file paths and descriptions, then simulate human actions to automate the entire upload process, from video selection to publication.

07/24/2024: Download Youtube videos in HD with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to enable the free, mass download of YouTube videos in high definition, using a CSV file to specify the videos to be downloaded, while offering the possibility of choosing the format and quality of the videos.

06/18/2024: Find thousands of emails automatically with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to automatically retrieve email addresses from websites using different data sources (CSV file, Google Sheet, etc.), then store them in a CSV or Google Sheet file, with the option of performing this scrapping visibly or invisibly without disrupting web browsing.

06/04/2024: Find and analyze expired domains in 1 click with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to find expired domain names, check them for availability, indexing and backlink anchor quality, and then retain only the best domains that meet the defined criteria, with a final export as an Excel file.

05/28/2024: Create an automated Google Scraper with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to automatically retrieve Google results (URL, title and meta description) for a list of predefined keywords, and store them in a Google Sheet for further processing and analysis.

05/22/2024: Generate Title and Meta Description tags automatically with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to automatically crawl all the pages of a site, then generate and export optimized TITLE and META DESCRIPTION tags for each URL to an Excel file using ChatGPT, using a process similar to Screaming Frog but in a totally automated and customizable way.

01/23/2024: Create a custom SEO Scraper in less than 30 minutes with Automa

The aim of this automation template is to create an automatic SEO scrapper that analyzes the first results of a Google search, retrieving information such as H1, H2 tags, content score, trust flow and referring domains, then exporting this data to an Excel file for further analysis.

Youtube channel presentation

Some time ago, I launched a Youtube channel dedicated to Automa, on which I produce demos and provide brief explanations of how the templates presented work.

All the templates presented in these demos are available exclusively to training members! If you have any questions about them, don’t hesitate to come to the training’s private Discord

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